
Graphics: Safeway Monopoly Game 2017 Rare Piece Tool

Type the 2nd letter of the 5 digit piece code to see rare pieces.
Class Rares Prize
8XXXXNoneNo prize
9XXXXNoneNo prize

Key Pressed: #

Disclaimers: Zettix.com is not affiliated with Safeway in any way. Zettix.com is not affiliated with winzily.com in any way. No warranties are expressed or implied. No guarantee of the accuracy of this data or the tool is given. Use at your own risk. The data used is from this site: https://www.winzily.com/lists/rare-safeway-monopoly-pieces-2017/ which generously provided a list of rare pieces. This service is provided for free simply to enable fellow Safeway customers to play the game without wasting too much time looking up the rare pieces listed at the referenced site at winzily.com. Please send rants and raves to dogtophat -at- gmail dot com.